Orange & Black Margin Flatworm, Pseudobiceros 13

I am fairly certain this worm is a Pseudobiceros 13, but I have to admit I have made up the name Orange & Black Margin Flatworm.  It is very similar to the Glorious Flatworm (Pseudobiceros c.f gloriosus) found on John Hoover’s Flatworms of Hawaii site.  Unlike the gloriosus, this flatworm’s body has white spots or blotches and there is a slightly raised bluish medial line.  In the animal with the visible tentacles there are obvious white spots on the tips of each pseudo-tentacle.  If these are indeed  Pseudobiceros 13, then they are rare sightings and considered endemic to Hawaii. Found just outside the fishpond walls at Kalepolepo Beach Park and in the lagoons at Makena Landing. Approximately 20 mm or 3/4″.