Cacao Aeolid, Anteaeolidiella cacaotica

The latin name for this tiny aeolid is so long and difficult to pronounce that I am bestowing Cacao on it as a common name — not that it resembles chocolate in any way I can determine.  It is a light salmon pink/orange colour with white tips to their cephalic tentacles and rhiniophores.  Though the cnidosacs on the tips of their cerata are mostly visible in these photos, the Sea Slugs of Hawaii site has a few images that provide a better sense of how prominant the white bands and sacs can be.  All animals documented here were less than 20 mm and  found in North Kihei in less than 2 metres of water — the two trailing one another were out in broad daylight making their way across the side of an old tire and the rocks surrounding it.  The animal seen with its mouth in the midst of its own eggs did not pause to eat — only to examine and move on.