Blob Top Jelly. Neoturris breviconis

There are years when this jelly seems to bloom and 2020/21 were two of those years.  After several years of occasional sightings, I found myself swimming amongst hundreds in several different shallow coves and bays off the Southern Gulf Islands. The Spring and early summer brought them into the eelgrass beds and broad leaf kelp and found them caught in the swirls of shifting currents and tides, rising upwards like reverse parachutes along side docks and accessible outcrops.  Alongside them, you may find an initial “look-alike” in the Catablema vessicarium spp. nodulosum.    Unlike the Clinging Jelly or the Root Branching Jelly, these medusae lack the velcro-like tipped tentacles and rely on their pulsating bells and tentacles to draw in their planktonic prey.